Sunday, September 03, 2006


fromage frais

yesterday was 100% football. to start with the 3rd team got absolutely hammered by the chairman because things had been going on the club forum, now this forum was possibly the funniest one in existance on the whole of the information superhighway, the forum has now been erased from the site. he said that if the 3rds didnt clean up their act in 2 weeks he would chuck them all out of the club, he would never do this, he probably makes a profit from the 3rd team. he also accused them of stealing a GK top from the first team, which they found on the pitch, im not quite sure how this is stealing, normally when you steal something you keep it. he also said they had lost him £35,000, im not quite sure how. basically the chairman was being compleately unreasonable about the whole situation and hurling abuse and accusations at the team just to try and scare them. cliff, the thirds manager, wasnt going to stand for it so he told him he was falsely accusing the lads and got into an argument, i admire the way he stood up to him.
i also signed on for the 3rds before the game
first game fairford 3rds, 2-2 draw. goals were curtosy of an OG and a late equaliser from bangers, a well taken goal in the dying seconds as he finished into the top corner with great ordasity. saw a bit of fairford 1st team FA cup game which they won 3-0. my cousin was watching, spoke to him, hes injured at the moment, did it in a reserve game for farnborough, not working. Third game of the day, england 5-0 andora. was an easy game. massive session on the guitar when i got home.

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